Wine Tastings

Packhouse Wine Tasting Room
The inspiration of Gin Creek began in 1967 with our father, Max DeMott. He dreamed of building DeMott Lake. From that dream sprang visions of grandeur and hope. After his death in 1969, the landscape patiently waited for the next thirty years for what has now become an outdoor wedding destination. In 1999, sitting on the corner of DeMott Lake, a vision was shared of this being a place of serenity. A place where dreams would become reality and happiness would abound. It was time to get to work with the dream our father started. The statement of, “God landscaped this place, we just maintain it” is very true. The name “Gin Creek” came from a combination of two thoughts. The creek that runs through this property, combined with Richie’s former profession, cotton ginning. Thus, the name of “Gin Creek” was born. The phrase, “Two Men and a Shovel” is appropriate for the personal touch that Gin Creek shares. From the winding road to the ceremony sites and all stops in between, Gin Creek Vineyards is truly “An Unforgettable Southern Experience.” As one person stated, “It doesn’t matter where you stand, every view is inspiring.”

Packhouse Wine Tasting Room
The PackHouse was originally used by the DeMott Family to prepare the tobacco for market. It stood empty for over 40 years when The DeMott Brothers decided to renovate the old tobacco house into a wine tasting room. The PackHouse still has the original walls, flooring and tin roof and is nestled under a 400-year-old oak tree. A 3300 sq. ft. deck has been added for additional entertaining. The PackHouse Wine Tasting Room is located on the Gin Creek property at 251 DeMott Road in Hartsfield, GA where they offer wine tastings daily with seven varieties of grapes (French-American hybrid and muscadine).
Schedule A Tasting

$5 for up to 8 tastings

Hours of Operation:
Weekday appointments and wine tastings are welcome!
Please call or email ahead for an appointment 229-941-2989 or
Come see us and enjoy a sip of history!

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